Services & Support

From the minute we are born our lives are filled with new and exciting changes.  From when we learnt how to talk, every new skill and attribute enhances our lives in measurable ways.

The irony of change is that despite it being the only certain thing in life, it is also something that people can fear the most. This is a shame when you consider that it’s through change that people transform their lives. It’s encouraging to know that the most successful people in the world have a more healthy association with change than average.

Change can be liberating and empowering; embracing it can help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be, and achieve things you never before dreamt were possible. My role is to help identify the obstacles and evaluate the steps needed for you to improve your relationship with change. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist, I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

Personal development requires an honest and objective process of self-evaluation.  From the knowledge gained, realistic and achievable goals are then set that focus on developing personal characteristics. These can include building confidence, self-esteem, communication, intelligence and emotional maturity. Your goals can also include improving existing skills and developing new ones.

Personal development is both liberating and empowering; it can help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be, and achieve things you never before dreamt were possible. My role is to help you through this process, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps required and changes needed for you to reach your goals.  As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

A romantic relationship can be defined as two people having an emotional attachment combined with physical attraction. Initially, romantic relationships are usually driven by passion and attraction, which then leads to love and commitment. These later factors help the relationship evolve and grow, as a result of a deepening emotional connection.

There are many benefits to healthy romantic relationships, some practical, and others psychological. Practical benefits can include sharing financial commitments and jobs around the home; they also include health benefits.  Research shows that happy and committed couples tend to live longer, healthier lives. Non practical benefits can include emotional support, having someone to confide in, increased confidence, and a sense of belonging and security. Healthy romantic relationships can also result in positive change, as the different aspects of personalities rub off on each other.

We spend considerable time and energy pursuing romantic relationships, so an understanding of how to improve them is something to be greatly desired. A more fulfilled private-life can be achieved as a result of improved confidence, developed communication skills, and a better understanding of human behaviour.

By working together I will help you make sense of what you are seeking, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps needed in order for you to maximise the potential of these types of relationships. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process

Family is defined as a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship.  While traditionally families exist through blood, marriage, or adoption, a family unit can have many forms. It should be recognised that families can be made up of people with no legal or blood ties. Whatever its composition, a family’s greatest strength lays in providing a safe and nurturing environment for all its members.

The family is vital for promoting values and responsibilities to children, and also for providing a sense of security. Research suggests that children who grow up in close family units fare better in school, and are more likely to form healthy Romantic relationships as adults. Stable families also tend to communicate more openly and are better at resolving conflicts.

Good family relationships are something we all want, so an understanding of how to improve them is something to be greatly desired. A more fulfilled family life can be achieved as a result of improved confidence, developed communication skills, and a better understanding of human behaviour.

By working together I will help you make sense of what you are seeking, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps needed in order for you to maximise the potential of these types of relationships. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

A friendship is defined as a bond with another person based on mutual affection, exclusive of sexual or Family relationships. Good friendships have many foundations, including common interests and values, shared history and equality.  The need to form friendships is a primary driver for us all; people who report having positive friendships are generally happier and feel better about themselves.  A good friend is committed to your happiness and well-being, is a positive influence, and does not ask you to compromise your principles.

Research has found there is an instinct for individuals to be drawn to others they perceive as being similar to themselves. The term for this is homophily, which recognises an instinctive drive to form bonds with others who mirror and reinforce, but not necessarily challenge our core beliefs.

As naturally social creatures our friendships are highly important to us, therefore an understanding of how to improve them is something to be greatly desired.  More fulfilling friendships can be achieved as a result of improved confidence, developed communication skills, and a better understanding of human behaviour.

By working together I will help you make sense of what you are seeking, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps needed in order for you to maximise the potential of these types of relationships. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

Incidental relationships are those that don’t fall into the categories of Romantic, Family, Friendship or Work-based. The term encapsulates the many daily exchanges you have whenever you leave your home, and engage with various people during your day, some familiar and others not. These are usually short to medium-term in length and include, for example, shop assistants or waiters. They may also include nursing staff in a care home or a builder working on your house.

Although not much thought is generally given to these types of relationships, those with developed communication and relationship skills are able to turn such interactions to their advantage.

By working together I will help you make sense of what you are seeking, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps needed in order for you to maximise the potential of these types of relationships. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

For the purposes of this article the term work-based relationship should not be confused with either Romance or Friendships.  Instead, the term is intended to mean those daily interactions with people at work, whatever the association.  You may also work with people with whom you are friends, and of course work is often the starting place for romantic interactions.  These crossovers add texture to relationship dynamics, as boundaries between private-lives and work-lives become blurred.

We spend a considerable amount of time in work so it makes sense to maximise the time we spend there.  Improving working relationships can have far reaching benefits; these include a more satisfying work environment thanks to improved confidence and developed communication skills.  A greater understanding of human behaviour can also help you find promotions, roles for which you are better suited, and higher pay.

By working together I will help you make sense of what you are seeking, identifying obstacles, and evaluating the steps needed in order for you to maximise the potential of these types of relationships. As an inspirer, motivator and strategist I will guide and support you through the end to end process.

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